
Eyes of Youth

Here's a great video I found to naturally open up your eyes without a doctor's assistance...


5 Bad Habits

From: http://www.organicauthority.com

5 Bad Beauty Habits That Dry Out Your Skin

You keep slathering on the lotion, but your skin still feels itchy, dry and irritated. Lotion alone won’t help your parched skin if you have other bad beauty habits going on. A lot of factors influence how your skin looks and feels, even ones you may not realize—like these five bad beauty habits. Find out what they are and fix them!

1. Taking hot showers

Steamy showers feel oh-so lovely. The warm water relaxes and soothes your body and mind, but it’s doing the opposite for your skin. Hot showers strip your skin of the oil that helps it retain moisture. The outermost layer of your skin contains a protective layer of oil that the longer and hotter the shower, the more moisture your skin will lose. That’s why after languishing in the shower for 20 minutes, you’ll usually step out with red, itchy skin. At this point your skin has already dried out considerably. You don’t have to go cold turkey, on the hot water that is. Just keep it to a nice slightly warm temp.

2. Not getting enough water

You’ve heard the drink eight glasses of water a day rule over and over. It’s true that drinking water can hydrate your skin making you look all glowy and lovely. Did you know though that you might actually want to eat your water instead of drink it? Even if you drink glass after glass of water, you might not actually be retaining very much of it. The water just goes straight through you—and straight out—after your frequent trips to the bathroom. Instead, try eating water-rich foods like watermelon and zucchini, and also incorporate more fruits and veggies in general into your diet.

3. Using harsh products

Conventional soaps, cleansers, bath gels, lotions and other products you rub into your skin can contain harmful ingredients and additives that actually irritate and potentially damage your skin. Think nasty ingredients like petroleum waxes, phthalates, parabens, fillers, artificial chemicals and synthetic fragrances. These harsh ingredients don’t do your skin any favors. It’s yet another reason to go organic when it comes to beauty.
For those with sensitive skin, even choosing organic beauty products can dry out your skin. The essential oils used to add fragrance to organic beauty products can often irritate sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, look for organic beauty products with as few ingredients as possible and no scent.

4. Moisturizing at the wrong time

Wait. What? You can moisturize at a wrong time? Okay, not exactly. Moisturizing can help prevent dry skin period. But, you can moisturize at better times. Slather on your favorite lotions, creams and oils just after you get out of the shower while skin is still damp. This will help lock in moisture and replenish skin far better than if you were applying a lotion to dry skin. Don’t forget to moisturize after you wash your hands and face too.

5. Avoiding oils

Never used body or facial oils? Your skin is missing out! Applying oils to your skin may seem counter-intuitive. Why would you layer your face in oil when you don’t want oily skin? And, using body oil? We’re not in a rap video. Oils may be less well known for moisturizing than the more common lotions and creams, but they actually work better. And, instead of making your face oilier, they balance out your skin. You need supplemental oils to replenish the natural protective layer of oil that already resides on your skin.
Whether for your body or face, get ready to get oily! You’ll love the way oils leave your skin soft and hydrated. Try pure jojoba, argon, or almond oil for body and face. Or, go for an organic facial oil made with a mixture of different oils.

Omega Mend by Dabeestuff


Coconut Oil

The verdict is still out on the value of Coconut Oil for internal consumption, however it can be beneficial externally.

Although skin care products with natural anti-inflammatory activity are preferred, some components of coconut oil have been studied for their benefits to both skin and hair.

The lauric acid found in coconut oil is available in a wide variety of skin and hair care products, including body and facial cleansers, soap and sunscreens. Clinical research supports the safety of these products in general, and the utility of coconut oil to help moisturize skin in particular.


Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrition for hair. It helps in healthy growth of hair providing them a shiny complexion. Regular massage of the head with coconut oil ensures that your scalp is free of dandruff, lice, and lice eggs, even if your scalp is dry. Coconut oil is extensively used in the Indian sub-continent for hair care. Most of the people in these countries apply coconut oil on their hair daily after bath. It is an excellent conditioner and helps in the re-growth of damaged hair. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair. It is therefore used as hair care oil and used in manufacturing various conditioners, and dandruff relief creams.


Coconut oil makes an excellent massage oil and is used frequently just for that because of its ease of use. It also delays wrinkles, and sagging of skin which normally become prominent with age. Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and others.


Is "Safe Tan" an oxymoron?

You must know the sun's effects on your skin! It is not a fallacy. 15 minutes of sun is adequate to get that fresh glow and a dose of Vitamin D.

Oh geez. When I was younger I use to literally bake my skin. We use to mix baby oil and iodine together for the basking. I once lived on a beach for a week baking my skin (yes, actually had a tent on the sand). Now I have little scars where skin cancer spots have been removed. I am fair skinned so I remember peeling layers of burnt flesh in chunks. Ugh! Most people have similar horror stories.

Now, every year I purchase of fresh tube of self-tanning lotion. As a teen it was cool to use Q-T in the winter. That incredibly orange looking glow. Self-tanners have come a long way since then. There are many all natural products out there. However, finding one with a SPF is impossible.

The active ingredient in self-tanners comes from sugar beets, dihydroxyacetone. It darkens the skin by staining the dead surface cells. When the dead cells slough off, the color fades, which is in about a week. Natural ingredients from red raspberries can enhance dihydroxyacetone. Other pure ingredients added will hydrate the skin.
Note: Dabeestuff, LLC is currently developing an all natural self-tanner that should be available by 2009.

My procedure is to:
1. Exfoliate/wash skin
2. Let air dry thoroughly
3. Apply self-tanner evenly
4. Let soak in for about an hour
(be sure to wash hands so you don't end up with a glow in between your fingers)
5. Apply spf--usually 25 or higher
6. Allow to soak in and apply Omega Mend™

You can also use make-up--if you wear it--with a SPF already in it. When I do wear it, I use the mineral stuff (about a 15 SPF) after allowing the Omega Mend™ to soak in, but I'm not sure how effective it is. When you self tan you really don't need face make-up. Just be sure to add additional moisturizing properties like Omega Mend™ Cell Rejuvenator for Youthful Skin.

So, don't forget. Tanning booths are just as bad for your skin! Many have convinced themselves otherwise. But that's a whole other article.

Keep up-to date with the Omega Mend™ skincare line from Dabeestuff, LLC at www.OmegaMend.com.


What Causes Wrinkles?



The worst external factor is that of sun damage or 'photo-aging', as the sun is the most 'aging' thing around. Although some people may think that tanning on sun beds or at tanning boutiques will lessen the damage done - the truth of the matter is that all tanning is detrimental to your skin.

Not only will tanning and the sun create more wrinkles than normal, but will generally cause premature aging, as well as age spots, spider veins, freckles, rough and leathery skin, skin cancers etc.

If you are fair skinned and blonde, you will suffer even more from sun aging, with dark haired and dark skinned people getting the better end of the stick, yet they as well will suffer damage and aging from the sun.

The one problem is that sun aging is not immediately detectable, and after years of tanning, the nagging lines and wrinkles and a dried-up, rough and uneven skin will be your reminder of your sun-filled days.

The reason for this is that the sun breaks down the collagen in your skin and also impairs the formation of new collagen, and apart from this it also attacks the elastin in the skin.

For this reason try and limit your sun exposure and if you need to be in the sun make sure that you use a good sunscreen or sun-block to protect your skin.


Although it cannot be contested that smoking is dangerous to your health, that it is a leading factor in lung cancer as well as a whole range of other medical problems, it also impacts on the way that you look.

Akimichi Morita and his colleagues at the
Nagoya City University Medical School have shown that cigarette smoking may upset the body's mechanism in skin rejuvenation.

The important factor here is that the collagen, which forms the connective tissue, is damaged.

What Morita shows in his research is that cigarette smoke causes an increase of matrix-metalloproteinase’s (MMPs), which is the enzyme that breaks down old skin to make place for the new, yet it causes less collagen to be formed in the skin.

Popular belief also proclaims that smoking destroys vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and this process is also thought to promote wrinkle formation, since collagen cannot be formed in the skin if there is a shortage of vitamin C.

The amount of vitamin C destroyed per cigarette smoked varies, depending on whom you talk to, but general consensus seems to be that one cigarette destroys about 50 mg of vitamin C.

Decades ago, the vitamin C promoter and Nobel laureate, Linus Pauling, as well as Adelle Davis, the very popular nutritionist, already advocated an increase of dietary vitamin C intake to counteract the toxic affects that smoking and environmental pollution have on the body.

So, if you do not want to quit smoking for the sake of your health, then maybe consider doing it for the sake of your looks.


Wrinkles appear at places where constant and repetitive movements of the facial muscles contract, and to illustrate this, imagine a piece of sponge rubber, which is constantly folded at the exact same spot.

The sponge, like your skin, will eventually start forming a 'wrinkle' at that spot, and each time the sponge, or your skin, is moved, it will wrinkle at that specific point.

These are particularly visible if the skin is dry, under-hydrated and is lacking in moisture, and is aggravated if the skin is damaged by sun aging.

Although some dermatologists advocate that careful facial exercises will cause wrinkles, we do not hold the same belief, as facial exercises are controlled movements, which are only repeated for a short period of time and do not involve the normal frown lines of the face.

Facial wrinkles are caused by the skin folding at the same spot hundreds of times a day, and most of the time the person is not even aware of the fact.

If you have a nagging frown line, and do not wish to use something like Botox to 'freeze' the muscle, you could apply a small piece of masking tape over the skin when it is relaxed.

Each time that you frown, the masking tape will contract and you will be made aware of the fact that you are frowning.


Gravity constantly pulls on our bodies and after a couple of decades it also takes its toll, which can in some cases be corrected with plastic surgery, or can also be combated by ensuring that the muscle tone of your face stays in peak condition.

At this point we believe that well controlled facial exercises can assist in counteracting this by keeping the skin and facial muscles well toned. (Exercises in last post)


Sleep lines that are formed by resting your face on a pillow can also affect your smooth unlined face over a period of time.

For this reason it is best to try and sleep on your back, since the facial skin is not stressed in any way. Some people opt for soft pillows to minimize this problem, and a soft pillow cover, like satin or silk, can also help to minimize the effect.


A dry and climate controlled environment in which so many of us live today, with air-conditioning and heating in either the office or home, can also impact on the health of your skin.

An excessively dry environment will rob your skin of moisture and will contribute to an under-hydrated skin. This can be easily remedied by using a humidifier, which replaces the moisture lost through climate control.

Humidifiers are relatively cheap, and apart from assisting the health of your skin, will also help with other problems caused by very dry air, such as sinus etc.


Diet has a dramatic and profound effect on the way your skin looks and ages.

We do not believe that fad diets should be followed and a well balanced diet will contribute the most to an unlined face.

We do however believe that certain vitamin supplements can have a profoundly positive effect on the skin, for instance here we can look at adding vitamin E, A, D and once again vitamin C, as it is vitally important to the health of the collagen in your skin.


Adequate intake of water (not tea, coffee, cola, and juice) must be adequate to keep your body hydrated and functioning well.

You can do without food for longer than you can without water, and your skin will also quickly show if your water balance and hydration levels are not at an optimum level.

Some people complain that they do not like the "taste" of water, if this is the case, simply adding a drop or two of lemon juice to the water could make it taste better.

It is of very little value to supply your skin with hydration, emollients, etc on the outside, if you fail to look at the internal needs as well.

Good daily skincare and living a healthy life will contribute greatly in you keeping your good looks and with this in mind, you can check out Omega Mend from Dabeestuff.


Spring for Evening Primrose Oil

Ever heard of Evening Primrose Oil? It wasn’t until I began researching beneficial all natural skin care ingredients that I became aware of its tremendous value.

A botanically rich source of gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), it is pressed from tiny seeds of a native wildflower. GLA is an essential fatty acid that helps support skin, hair, and nail health. The human body doesn’t produce essential fatty acids such as linoleic and linolenic acids, so it is important to get these nutrients through diet and/or supplements and topical application.

As a supplement, Evening Primrose Oil (always look for cold pressed without the use of solvents) can reduce inflammation, hives, and allergic reactions that comes with springtime. It can also help prevent and reduce the effects of eczema, psoriasis, and dry, brittle, or splitting hair or nails

For topical use, it is highly nourishing when added to facial products. Here are some of the known benefits of using products, such as Omega Mend™, that contain Evening Primrose Oil:

  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Encourages anti-aging
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Smooths rough skin
  • Hydrates dry skin
  • Promotes production of new skin cells
  • Assists with lightening dark circles under eyes
  • Creates firmer skin with better elasticity
  • Reduces blemishes
An amazing oil, essential in Omega Mend™, to offer you an alternative to risky Botox treatments.

The Omega Mend™ skincare line from Dabeestuff, LLC can be found at www.OmegaMend.com.


Skin Aging

Aging is caused by more than a few wrinkles and is influenced by a couple of factors. The first being the natural occurrence of growing older and your inherited genes and the second being various external / internal factors.

As we age certain physiological changes happen, and apart from the aches and pains we may feel in our bodies, the skin also ages, with resultant collagen production slowing down and the elastin in the skin no longer being as robust as before.

The skin's 'turnover' and growth, with old skin cells being shed, gets slower and the skin does not look as vital as it did in your early twenties, with supportive tissue and underlying fat reducing at a steady rate.

These aging factors normally start to happen in our mid-twenties, yet it takes a good many years to manifest its damage, and for that reason, following a good skin care regimen from an early age is most advisable.

When this damage starts to appear it can manifest in a variety of ways and will include fine lines and wrinkles, as well as a thinner, drier and more easily damaged skin.

Although genetic predisposition plays a part in the rate at which you will age normally, external factors will greatly contribute to the 'look' you have in later years.

External factors, like the sun, will greatly damage your skin and make you look far older, whereas good skincare and treatments can help retard the signs of aging.

Want good defense from aging factors? Check out the Omega Mend skincare line from Dabeestuff, LLC at www.OmegaMend.com.



Definition of Wrinkles

Article updated and reviewed by Michael S. Lehrer, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania. Editorial review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network on April 18, 2005.

Wrinkles are the thin, creased, and sagging skin that is especially noticeable on the face, neck, and hands.

Description of Wrinkles

Wind, heat and chemicals and the natural effects of aging cause a certain amount of wrinkling in everyone, but it is much worse in people who spend a lot of time in the sun. Years of exposure to the sun cause "photoaging," which includes freckles, yellowing, roughness, visible blood vessels, and dark spots, as well as wrinkling.

Years of sun exposure cause the supporting structures of the skin, primarily the collagen and elastin, to weaken and break down. In addition, as a person ages, the sweat and oil glands of the skin become less numerous and smaller in size. This causes the skin to lose moisture and to dry out. Dry skin with weak collagen and elastin will sag, shrivel, and wrinkle. The skin around the eyelids, jaw, and neck is especially thin, and therefore more naturally prone to aging.

In addition to sun exposure, smoking may contribute to the formation of wrinkles. Finally, it is believed that some wrinkling is predetermined genetically from one's parents.

Causes and Risk Factors of Wrinkles

Although people may have a genetic predisposition to severe wrinkling, it is known that sun exposure promotes and exacerbates wrinkling of the skin. Smoking also negatively affects the skin.

Treatment of Wrinkles

The most critical step in the treatment of wrinkles is sun avoidance and sunscreen use. Without these steps, more aggressive wrinkle treatments may be futile.

Some physicians may recommend daily moisturizing creams, including those with hydroxy acids as well as sunscreen (SPF 15 or greater).

It is difficult to repair deeply furrowed skin that appears with photoaging, but thinner wrinkles, dark spots, and rough skin may be improved with the use of topical medications. For an excellent, all natural serum check out Omega Mend.

More recently, dermatologists have begun to use injectable materials to help soften wrinkles. Botox (botulinum toxin) may soften the appearance of wrinkles caused by squinting or grimacing. Collagen or hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Hyalaform, Captique), may be injected under wrinkles or folds to elevate them. Check out the side effects from these applications before taking the plunge.

Lasers may also be used to minimize wrinkles. Non-ablative (or “lunchtime”) lasers do not break the skin and have minimal side effects, but, are also not very effective. More aggressive lasers such as the carbon dioxide laser may remove deeper wrinkles but require several weeks of healing after a treatment.

Finally, for excessively deep wrinkles or folds, a facelift may be used. This surgical procedure is expensive and invasive.

Prevention of Wrinkles

Onset of wrinkles and further progression of those already present can be prevented by following these tips:

    • Never use a sunlamp or tanning bed or lie in the sun to get a tan.
    • Wear a sunscreen on your face and hands every day.
    • When exposure to the sun cannot be avoided, wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and tightly woven clothing.
    • Remember the sun can cause damage even on cloudy and winter days, especially between 10 am and 3 pm.
    • About 30 minutes before you go out into the sun, apply a sunscreen with a SPF of at least 15. If you have a fair complexion or have sun-sensitive skin, go for a 30 or 45 SPF, especially in a southern climate or at a high altitude.
    • Remember that water, sand, snow, and concrete reflect the sun's rays and can intensify the likelihood of sunburn.
    • Rub plenty of sunscreen on all exposed skin, paying close attention to the back of the neck, ears, nose, and shoulders. Don't forget your scalp can be sensitive to burn as well.
    • Reapply sunscreen after swimming, heavy sweating, or toweling off.

Harmful effects of the sun build over a lifetime, so protection should begin in early childhood. Although sunscreens are very helpful, they do not protect you completely from the sun's damaging rays. Be aware!

Need some damage control? See Omega Mend™ Cell Rejuvenator for Youthful Skin at www.OmegaMend.com


Baggy Eyes

Thyroid problems

People suffering from a thyroid problem (also referred to as a goiter) normally have very baggy eyes - if you have any qualms about your thyroid, or if you have any symptoms of an over - or under active thyroid please consult your doctor immediately.

Aging and nutrition

As we age the fragile skin around our eyes start to lose its elasticity, and here we can look at nutrition to assist us in our fight against aging, as poor nutrition contributes to aging as well.

Although all natural eye gel products will assist in re-vitalizing the collagen and elastin in the skin around the eyes, you do need vitamin C in your system in order for collagen to be formed.

In the absence of vitamin C, collagen CANNOT be synthesized by the skin. To only take in 60 mg of vitamin C per day - the recommended daily allowance (RDA) - will NOT achieve much – it will only prevent scurvy.

To assist in collagen formation and re-vitalizing your fragile skin around the eyes - please consider taking an extra vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supplement, but should you have any health concerns please consult your medical practitioner before doing so.

When taking a vitamin C supplement, look at one that contains bioflavonoids (vitamin P) as well, as these bioflavonoids add to the potency with which the vitamin will perform its work.


Plain tiredness will also add to the problem of bags under your eyes, and especially to those ugly dark circles under the eyes.

Have a look at the amount of hours you sleep and also check on the amount of hours you work in front of a computer terminal or watch television – both these actions place a tremendous strain on your eyes.

Eye drops will relieve the blood shot look of your eyeball, but will do little to soothe the tired eyes as such.

Some people recommend a daily supplement of grape seed oil to help relieve eyestrain, as some people do find relief by adding this anti-oxidant to their diet.

To relieve strain, look at having a regular soothing treatment, which can easily, and inexpensively, be done at home.

Some people believe in placing sliced figs or slices of cucumber on their eyes – and although it does work, it may cause an allergic reaction in some individuals.

If you are looking at an alternative treatment to freshen your eyes, try the following:

Take two pieces of cotton wool, large enough to cover your eyes, and soak them in rose water (an inexpensive product that you can buy at the pharmacy / chemist / drug store) and place it over your closed eyelids while lying down.

If doing it during the day close your drapes / curtains and if doing it at night switch off your lights. You will find that doing it in the dark really gives your eyes and stressed out body a relaxing break. Switch off your television during this period of rest, and rather listen to your favorite soothing music. Relax for at least 20 – 30 minutes.

Another soothing way to relieve the tiredness is to take two teabags, place in a cup, and pour boiling water over them. Remove the bags with a spoon after the tealeaves starts giving off their color, and place the teabags in a saucer. Cover the teabags with plastic kitchen wrap, to prevent them drying out, and place in your refrigerator to cool down.

After they have cooled down, (but not too cold, as too cold could damage your eyes) remove from the fridge and place on your closed eyelids, as described above.


Eye exercises may also be of great benefit to the general health of your eyes, but first check with your optometrist or eye specialist before starting such a program. A wise old yogi once showed the following exercises – and it may be worth your while to try them.

Sit, relax and while breathing normally but deeply, look at a spot between your eyes, above the bridge of your nose. Keep looking at this spot for a count of five, and then relax the eyes. Next look at the tip of your nose, also to the count of five and relax.

After doing these two exercises try the following:

  • Relax and look straight in front of you. While inhaling look right as far as possible, without turning your head, and when exhaling, return the eyes to the front position. Relax and when inhaling again look left as far as possible without turning your head, and when exhaling return your eyes to the front again. Repeat three times.
  • The last exercise would be done by sitting up straight and looking down. While inhaling, slowly roll your eyes to the right and then to the top, in a circular movement. When your eyes have reached the top, looking towards your eyebrows, start exhaling while moving your eyes left and downwards in a circular movement. Repeat three times. This exercise can also be done by cupping your palms over your eyes to block out the light – but take care that the inside of your palm does not touch your eyes or eyelashes.

These exercises must be done slowly and with concentration, but before starting them, please check with your health practitioner if they would be suitable for you.

Fluid retention

Fluid retention can be a major cause of swollen eyes, and here you will have to look at your general health and any other underlying medical condition. Diuretic pills (to remove excess water from your body) can be helpful, but many people do have side effects from them.

Vitamin C is a natural diuretic and an increase in this vitamin will not only assist in removing excess water from your body, but will also assist with collagen formation as discussed above. I am sorry to keep harping on the importance of vitamin C, but in my book it is one of the most amazing and underrated vitamins around, which can have a great effect on your general well being.

Salt or sodium

If you are ingesting a lot of salt, either directly or indirectly, it could add to your problem with water retention. Try and cut down on eating raw salt, and check food labels as well, as processed food can contain large amounts of salt – check for sodium on the label.


Although orthodox medicine does not always belief in the benefits of going on a detoxifying diet, I have personally witnessed the effect such a cleansing diet can have on the general health of a person, and particularly on black rings / circles under the eyes.

It would be wise to check with your medical professional before going on such a diet, but a break in your normal diet pattern, and giving your body a bit of a break, could do you the world of good.

Some natural healers do believe that black rings under the eyes and bags under your eyes are indicative of a toxic build-up in the body – and although some people might not agree with this belief, a cleansing diet as such, now and again, is not a bad idea.

Smoking and secondary smoke

You might not smoke yourself, but even secondary smoke can affect the way your eyes look. Most people will have a violent reaction to smoke, such as the eyes turning bloodshot or watery, while others will manifest their allergy in swollen eyes.

If smokers surround you, try and introduce as much fresh air as possible, and if you yourself smoke, take (you guessed it!) extra vitamin C, as smoking kills off large amount of this vitamin, every time you light up.


It seems that allergies are becoming more and more prevalent – and although some medical people might not agree with this, our un-healthy, stressed filled lives, surrounded by chemicals additives and preservatives, and environmental pollutants are contributing factors to the increase of allergies.

The reason for this statement is the fact that with so many stressors or triggers around, the body simply cannot cope with the large amount of gunk, and give up the fight, with resultant allergic conditions.

But be it as it may – your swollen eyes might be indicative of some allergen that you are either surrounded by, or are ingesting.

You might not have a major medical reaction to an allergen, such as wheezing, couching, sneezing or a closed chest - you could simple have a slightly stuffy nose, or swollen eyes most of the times.

Tests can be done to determine environmental or food allergies with a simple skin scratch test, a blood test or more alternative types of testing such as a muscle resistant test or a heart pulse test.

If you have any of the tests done, and they come up positive for any item that you could avoid as far as possible, go the extra mile and try to cut the allergen out of your sphere of living – be that either environmental or food in origin.

Environmental allergies are sometimes difficult to fight – if you suffer from a dust mite allergy for instance, you will have to ensure that your house is virtually dust proof, and that all drapes, mattresses, carpets and all other soft furnishings are treated with a mite and dust controlling solution, and that air conditioning filters are kept spotlessly clean.

If you are allergic to seasonal items, such as pollen, you could ask your medical practitioner for assistance during that time, with an allergy-fighting drug of some sort – but be careful of such medication containing cortisone – as this ingredient may cause more problems than it solves.

And once again, look at vitamin C to assist in fighting allergies – this humble little food supplement can help alleviate the symptoms to a great degree. And remember to look for the added bioflavonoids.

When selecting cosmetics or skin care products – be extra careful to choose a range that will not cause an allergic reaction, and that has been formulated with this in mind. Dabeestuff products have been specially formulated with this in mind and also contains herbs to soothe some allergies.

Facial creams

If you apply eye cream, or any facial cream incorrectly, it may cause your eyes to be puffy and swollen – especially in the morning.

Make sure the creams are not applied to the center corner (near your nose) of your eyes, as the cream could impact and obstruct a tear duct, which will cause swelling of the eye.

The way you sleep

If you find that your eyes are more swollen in the morning, have a look at increasing the height of your pillows, by adding another pillow when going to bed. The raising of your head could assist with draining excess fluids as well.

Facial massage

Facial massage, and specially massage treatment around your eyes can assist in the draining of fluids around your eyes.

Although massage can be most beneficial – it must be done correctly, with concentration and not be rushed through.

First clean your face well and then use a very light textured oil or cream as massage medium to prevent stretching or stressing this fragile skin.

You might want to look at almond oil, since this oil is wonderfully emollient, without being heavy and greasy. Another oil that you might consider is jojoba oil, but because of the high cost of pure jojoba oil, it might work out a bit expensive.

When doing facial massage, please keep your touch SOFT and do not stretch the skin – it must be done gently.

If you have long hair, tie it away from your face before doing any facial massage to prevent the oil or cream getting into your hair.

When you are finished doing the massage, remove the oil from your eyes by gently washing the area with a very gentle cleanser, or remove the excess oil by blotting it with a tissue. Make sure to remove excess oil or cream from the corners of your eyes, otherwise, as stated above, you might land up with eyes that are even more baggy or swollen.

  • Massage # 1
    • Place the ring finger (because it is not too strong) of each hand into the inner corners of each eye (#1 on the sketch) and press down gently to the count of three seconds, relax and then slide the fingers gently underneath your eyes towards your temples (# 8 on the sketch). When reaching the temples, gently massage in a circular movement. Slide your fingers back gently to the inner corners of your eyes again and repeat seven times.
  • Massage # 2
    • Place the tip of your right hand middle finger gently where your nose starts (point # 2) and slide it up and down to the tip of your nose (point # 3) and back 10 times. Then, by using the fingertips of both the middle fingers, gently press towards your face on the point on your cheek and nostrils meet (point # 4). Release the pressure, and with small circular movements, softly massage all the way up to your temple, following the bone structure under your eyes – taking about 10 seconds to do so. Massage your temples for 5 seconds and then slide your fingers, going back the same way, back to the starting point and repeat the exercise 5 times.
Herbs that effectively reduce baggy eyes...
  • Butcher's Broom extract stimulates the blood capillaries and increases circulation in the lymph. It also helps the veins to constrict and promotes healing of broken capillaries (the walls of the veins), which improves blood circulation in the skin surrounding the eyes.

    In other words, this herb is used to reduce baggy eyes and improve circulation to the skin around the eyes.

  • Centella asiatica extract is used in all our products in the Ageless range. It stimulates the fibroblasts (cells which form connective tissue) and therefore the collagen, which reduces and prevents wrinkle formation. It is also found to increase circulation and to be a diuretic (helps the body drain fluid). Centella, also known as Gotu Kola or Indian Pennywort is also widely used as an extract or in its natural form for its extensive healing properties, an excellent anti-inflammatory - healing wounds and preventing scar formation.

    It can help drain fluid, increase circulation and reduce dark rings around the eyes, formed by insufficient waste removal from the tissue around the eyes. It is also has wonderful anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

  • Chamomile is ideal for use on delicate and sensitive skin. It is an excellent decongestant (reducing blockages) and is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. It is excellent to use to combat allergies and has a superb healing effect.

    Chamomile reduces the effect of allergies (for example: hay fever and sinus) on the skin surrounding the eyes. It is also used to prevent free radical damage to the skin and as a powerful anti-inflammatory.

  • Horsetail, Lady's Mantle, Ivy, and Rosehip add to the list of herbs that are beneficial in combating wrinkles, lines, baggy eyes, crow’s feet and dark rings around the eyes.