

Definition of Wrinkles

Article updated and reviewed by Michael S. Lehrer, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania. Editorial review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network on April 18, 2005.

Wrinkles are the thin, creased, and sagging skin that is especially noticeable on the face, neck, and hands.

Description of Wrinkles

Wind, heat and chemicals and the natural effects of aging cause a certain amount of wrinkling in everyone, but it is much worse in people who spend a lot of time in the sun. Years of exposure to the sun cause "photoaging," which includes freckles, yellowing, roughness, visible blood vessels, and dark spots, as well as wrinkling.

Years of sun exposure cause the supporting structures of the skin, primarily the collagen and elastin, to weaken and break down. In addition, as a person ages, the sweat and oil glands of the skin become less numerous and smaller in size. This causes the skin to lose moisture and to dry out. Dry skin with weak collagen and elastin will sag, shrivel, and wrinkle. The skin around the eyelids, jaw, and neck is especially thin, and therefore more naturally prone to aging.

In addition to sun exposure, smoking may contribute to the formation of wrinkles. Finally, it is believed that some wrinkling is predetermined genetically from one's parents.

Causes and Risk Factors of Wrinkles

Although people may have a genetic predisposition to severe wrinkling, it is known that sun exposure promotes and exacerbates wrinkling of the skin. Smoking also negatively affects the skin.

Treatment of Wrinkles

The most critical step in the treatment of wrinkles is sun avoidance and sunscreen use. Without these steps, more aggressive wrinkle treatments may be futile.

Some physicians may recommend daily moisturizing creams, including those with hydroxy acids as well as sunscreen (SPF 15 or greater).

It is difficult to repair deeply furrowed skin that appears with photoaging, but thinner wrinkles, dark spots, and rough skin may be improved with the use of topical medications. For an excellent, all natural serum check out Omega Mend.

More recently, dermatologists have begun to use injectable materials to help soften wrinkles. Botox (botulinum toxin) may soften the appearance of wrinkles caused by squinting or grimacing. Collagen or hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Hyalaform, Captique), may be injected under wrinkles or folds to elevate them. Check out the side effects from these applications before taking the plunge.

Lasers may also be used to minimize wrinkles. Non-ablative (or “lunchtime”) lasers do not break the skin and have minimal side effects, but, are also not very effective. More aggressive lasers such as the carbon dioxide laser may remove deeper wrinkles but require several weeks of healing after a treatment.

Finally, for excessively deep wrinkles or folds, a facelift may be used. This surgical procedure is expensive and invasive.

Prevention of Wrinkles

Onset of wrinkles and further progression of those already present can be prevented by following these tips:

    • Never use a sunlamp or tanning bed or lie in the sun to get a tan.
    • Wear a sunscreen on your face and hands every day.
    • When exposure to the sun cannot be avoided, wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and tightly woven clothing.
    • Remember the sun can cause damage even on cloudy and winter days, especially between 10 am and 3 pm.
    • About 30 minutes before you go out into the sun, apply a sunscreen with a SPF of at least 15. If you have a fair complexion or have sun-sensitive skin, go for a 30 or 45 SPF, especially in a southern climate or at a high altitude.
    • Remember that water, sand, snow, and concrete reflect the sun's rays and can intensify the likelihood of sunburn.
    • Rub plenty of sunscreen on all exposed skin, paying close attention to the back of the neck, ears, nose, and shoulders. Don't forget your scalp can be sensitive to burn as well.
    • Reapply sunscreen after swimming, heavy sweating, or toweling off.

Harmful effects of the sun build over a lifetime, so protection should begin in early childhood. Although sunscreens are very helpful, they do not protect you completely from the sun's damaging rays. Be aware!

Need some damage control? See Omega Mend™ Cell Rejuvenator for Youthful Skin at www.OmegaMend.com

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