
Is "Safe Tan" an oxymoron?

You must know the sun's effects on your skin! It is not a fallacy. 15 minutes of sun is adequate to get that fresh glow and a dose of Vitamin D.

Oh geez. When I was younger I use to literally bake my skin. We use to mix baby oil and iodine together for the basking. I once lived on a beach for a week baking my skin (yes, actually had a tent on the sand). Now I have little scars where skin cancer spots have been removed. I am fair skinned so I remember peeling layers of burnt flesh in chunks. Ugh! Most people have similar horror stories.

Now, every year I purchase of fresh tube of self-tanning lotion. As a teen it was cool to use Q-T in the winter. That incredibly orange looking glow. Self-tanners have come a long way since then. There are many all natural products out there. However, finding one with a SPF is impossible.

The active ingredient in self-tanners comes from sugar beets, dihydroxyacetone. It darkens the skin by staining the dead surface cells. When the dead cells slough off, the color fades, which is in about a week. Natural ingredients from red raspberries can enhance dihydroxyacetone. Other pure ingredients added will hydrate the skin.
Note: Dabeestuff, LLC is currently developing an all natural self-tanner that should be available by 2009.

My procedure is to:
1. Exfoliate/wash skin
2. Let air dry thoroughly
3. Apply self-tanner evenly
4. Let soak in for about an hour
(be sure to wash hands so you don't end up with a glow in between your fingers)
5. Apply spf--usually 25 or higher
6. Allow to soak in and apply Omega Mend™

You can also use make-up--if you wear it--with a SPF already in it. When I do wear it, I use the mineral stuff (about a 15 SPF) after allowing the Omega Mend™ to soak in, but I'm not sure how effective it is. When you self tan you really don't need face make-up. Just be sure to add additional moisturizing properties like Omega Mend™ Cell Rejuvenator for Youthful Skin.

So, don't forget. Tanning booths are just as bad for your skin! Many have convinced themselves otherwise. But that's a whole other article.

Keep up-to date with the Omega Mend™ skincare line from Dabeestuff, LLC at www.OmegaMend.com.

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